
Friday, September 30, 2011

Nanny Berries

Typical ripening on a bunch of nanny berries.
 Today we picked nanny berries. It was a very good year here for most berries and nannies were no exception. We almost waited too long to pick these. I think the cedar waxwings and blue jays will have them finished off before long. We picked about 20 pounds today and plan to pick again tomorrow. They are about the easiest berry to pick that I can think of, especially when they are totally ripe as most of these were.I was able to pick entire clusters at once rather than sorting out the ripe berries one by one. You wouldn't know it from these pics but it was raining on and off and the wind was gusting to about 30 miles per hour. We would have picked longer if it hadn't been so nasty out. Hopefully it will be nicer tomorrow. Nannies are one of those wild foods that you can gather in meaningful amounts and that are easy to process and store. We make a puree and can it. Ann makes a great cake with it.
 Nice fully ripe clusters.



    Ann canned 25 pints of puree.

  2. I do have a few bushes of these but they are not overly abundant in my area.
