
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Potato Harvest

Today was tater diggin' day. We already dug several rows last week. We will have around 1000-1200 pounds total when we finish digging the last row. The potatoes are very nice this year. That daily trip thru the potato patch all summer to squash potato bettles paid off. Looks like all the kids get taters this year for x-mas!
   We don't waste any, the real small ones and any damaged ones get cooked and fed to the hogs. They like them with the excess milk we have from our goats. Most times by the time the hogs get the milk it is sour so I guess it is just like sour cream on your spuds.
   We did get a little bit of slug damage but that was our fault for not getting some diatonaceous earth spread on time. We use heavy mulch on our gardens and that does tend to harbor slugs. We also use a product called SLUG GO which is a organic iron compound that is toxic to slugs. You have to reapply it after rain.
   That's our son Dane in the bottom pic with his biggest find for the day.

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