
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Butchering Time

 It is the traditional time of the year for us to get our butchering done. This year we butchered a steer and we have three hogs to butcher this weekend. This will be most of the meat two families use this coming year. A few chickens went in the freezer earlier. We will also be able to share some with our adult kids.
  Butchering is one of those jobs that I'm inclined to try to put off but can't. I feel a deep obligation to administer a quick and painless death to any animal I raise for meat.I have had people ask me how I can kill an animal I have raised and then eat it. I wonder how they can eat meat they have not taken responsibility for raising and slaughtering. My animals all have names and are pampered and treated kindly. Being sad that you are ending their life to continue yours is a good thing. Being aware that the circle of life also has death in it is also a good thing. Before any vegans out there get on their high horse, remember that all seeds are alive, actual embryos, waiting to start growing. That bowl of granola ends lots of lives too.

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