
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Coming to visit,bring your snowshoes.

 This is a pic of the trail into our cabin. It is about a half mile to the road and in the winter there are two options, snowshoes and ski. Well, three if you have a snowmobile, but we don't. If it stays cold enough the swamp will freeze up which will give us a route shortened to about a third of a mile. The swamp trail is much nicer since you are out of the wind most of the way.
  We use those big plastic sleds to haul in what ever we need. They are also handy for hauling firewood to the cabin. A lot of our property is black ash swamp so the only time we can cut wood there and get it out is after it freezes. The weather forecast for the coming week shows night time temps around 5-10 F. so it should start to freeze up. A lake drains through the swamp and running water is slow to freeze.
  I don't have enough fire wood cut yet so it would be good if it does freeze. I try to only cut dead trees or badly damaged trees and most years I get enough fire wood from them. I've spotted several dead elm trees and a couple dead pin cherry to cut. I also have several yellow birch blow outs but they may not be dead yet. I'll cut them but if they are still green they will be next years wood.

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