
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good for what ails ya.

 Ann next to big yellow birch.

 A nice walk in the woods is good for man and beast. Ann and I took a short hike near Mondeaux Flowage last week. The snow cover is still light so we didn't need snowshoes. We had gone out to get our weekly supple of spring water from the artesian well there. Since it was a mild day and we had time, we made a circuit up the hill and through the woods looking for chaga conks. We spotted some very nice ones but they were all up to high for us to get them. There are some very big hardwoods in that area and since it is part of the park rather than the federal forest, nothing has been cut in a long time. We definitely have added it to our list of places to go mushroom hunting come spring.  We found a maple with a nice bunch of oyster mushroom frozen on it and another that had lion's mane growing before freeze up. We found two varieties of  hedgehog mushroom near this area last year.It is hard to beat old growth hardwood forest for mushroom hunting.We both came home feeling much better. Cabin fever is not an imaginary ailment!

Here's a pic of one of those chaga conks.This one was not as nice as several others we found but they were all up high like this. We did pick one small conk that Ann spotted along side the road on our way home.

Here is another conk, just as high as the other. We found four nice ones in this area but all at this height.

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