
Friday, January 13, 2012

Homemade Wine

 Every body should have hobbies and I've got bunches of them. One that I have had for years is making wine. It satisfies that basic urge to create as well as resulting in a tasty beverage. Well, sometimes it is a tasty beverage, sometimes not so much. One of my sister-in-laws is a very accomplished wine maker and it would be hard to tell her wine from some professional vintages. She uses methods that are similar, on a small scale, to those a vineyard would use. My wine making is a little more, shall we say,experimental. I actually only have one wine recipe, just change the name of the fruit and I'm good to go. This method does have some draw backs of course. Some of my vintages seem to require more aging than others. I have a bunch of elderberry mead that has been in the bottle for  3 or 4 years and does not seem to be in a hurry to finish aging. Oh well, I had a grape mead that I started to throw away after hauling it with us on several moves that turned out very nice. I called it my 500 Mile Mead cause that's how far I had hauled it around. This year I made 2 batches of wine, a wild raspberry and a elder flower. Both are drinkable, the raspberry a bit too dry, and the elder flower a bit to sweet. I have the elder flower cut half and half with spring water and it is very tasty like that. The raspberry has a awesome raspberry flavor but unless you like very dry wine it can use a little wash with it. Making wine can be a enjoyable hobby and if you can pick wild fruit it doesn't cost that much to get started. I'll put my basic recipe on the recipe page when I get a chance.

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