
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Alpine Dairy Goats

Our Alpine does, Cupcake and Carmel, enjoying their supper. The keyhole feeder is the best design I've ever used for feeding goats. As long as they don't have horns it really works well to save feed. They have to lift their head to back out so they usually don't drag a mouth full of hay out with them. Both of these does were exposed to a very nice Alpine buck but only one got bred. I guess the other will be at the  local livestock auction soon. A dairy animal that does not get bred back is a pet. We have some pets but we can only afford to feed so many. We milked goats as a commercial dairy producer at one time and I think we will always have some goats. They are a great animal for anyone on a small acreage who wants their own dairy products. We presently milk a Jersey cow also because it is so much easier to make butter from cows milk. Goat milk, being naturally homogenized, needs to be ran through a cream separator first. It is one step we are happy to skip right now.

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