
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Recycling photos

 Recycling some pics from a former blog I started but never really got into.
Epigaearepens L.,Trailing Arbutus is one of the first plants to bloom in our area in north central Wisconsin. This pic does not show it but the blossoms are often a pale pink and they have a beautiful scent. It is a trailing perenial with oval leathery leaves. The tubular five lobed flowers are in clusters. This member of the Heath family contains arbutin which is a urinary antiseptic but it hydrolyzes to hydroquinone which is toxic.
American Indians used leaf tea for kidney disorders as do some folk remedies. It is a plant I always look for as a sign of spring but I have never used it medicinally. For me this is the first true sign of spring.

  The third pic down is of Wild Ginger, Asarum canadense L., which we spent years trying to find and now see  all over. Very tasty and it has quite a zing. We like to add it to tea.
Center is a yellow violet, not sure which one as there are several native to this area. Top is Marsh-Marigold,or Cowslip, Caltha palustris L. which are edible when very young. I said edible but that doesn't necessarily  mean good. Boil them in several changes of water if you want to eat them. Not worth the bother in my opinion.


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