
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jersey Milk Cow

Here is the latest addition to our homestead, a Jersey milk cow. Named Sissy, she brings our herd to three cattle, two cows and a steer. This girl came to us from friends who are organic dairymen. Sissy is a first calf heifer, that means this is her first calf, who freshened with mastitis. This is a serious health problem, especially for organic producers. Without the use of antibiotics it can be difficult to clear up infections. Sissy has been getting good organic care and has improved a lot. Unfortunately, even after a considerable outlay in time and cash,Sissy's somatic cell count was still to high for her milk to go for organic use. When Ann heard that our friends would have to ship Sissy for the meat market since they could not justify more expenses with no return, she went into action. Some women like jewelry, some flowers or chocolates, some want a fancy car, not Ann, she likes cows! Ann feels she can continue a course of organic treatment and clear up Sissy's infection with time. Mean while, the extra milk goes to our steer calf. I don't know that we really need two milk cows but oh well, we have them. Guess we will be eating lots of cheese. Of course, summer is coming and warm summer days call for ice cream. With two Jersey cows milking there should be plenty of cream!

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