
Friday, March 9, 2012

Now Arriving..Seeds!

Our first, and biggest, seed order got delivered today. As you can see from the pic, this year our big order went to Johnny's Select Seeds. We order from several seed companies and try to spread our order around somewhat but usually order the bulk from one place. This year it was Johnny's. They have a very informative catalog and we have always liked the service we have gotten. In our area we don't put many crops in until the end of May. It is not unusual to have hard freezes in mid May so any tender plants would be killed. We try to get in our cold hardy crops about two weeks earlier.Many things will be started in the green house and transplanted later. I think that transplants do better if they are just starting to get their second set of true leaves so I only want them about 5-6 weeks old when set out. That means I will have to get the green house set up and heated by the end of March. Busy,busy time of the year starting now. We tapped about 150  Maples for syrup today and will do about another 100-125 tomorrow. The weather forecast for next week doesn't look very good for sap production. For that we need nights below freezing and sunny calm days above freezing. Of course, there is the small chance that the weather forecast is wrong!

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