
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stove Fan

Here is a device we have been wanting for several years and finally went ahead and got it despite the price. It is a fan that is powered by the heat from your stove. Well, actually it is powered by the temperature difference between the top part and the bottom part of the fan housing. At the junction there is a device called a peltier connection that makes electricity from that temperature difference. The electricity is enough to drive the fan. This  same device is used in those small 12 volt can coolers. Apparently if you run electricity through it it creates a temperature difference!? Don't ask me how because I have no idea. It does work but don't expect a hurricane.When the stove is good and hot it definitely makes a light breeze which is enough to move some heat around and keep the cabin temperature a little more uniform. At $120.00 I'm still sort of iffy about it. It works but not near as well as I'd imagined it would. Maybe I just had unrealistic expectations.

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