
Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend Wandering

 We spent part of our week end checking out some of our favorite foraging areas. It is still to early for much to be up so the only thing we actually found was a handful of last years winter green berries. They were tasty, just scarce. Later on we stopped by at a High Stump Sugar Bush which is owned by family members and is located in Westboro,Wisconsin. I was hoping they were having a better year than us amateurs but that was not the case.  The large wood fired evaporator in the picture makes short work of a lot of maple sap. With literally thousands of trees tapped it runs around the clock a lot of years but not this year. Local maple syrup will be in short supply this year as none of the areas commercial producers are doing any better. There is still some talk of a cool down coming but I think it will be to late for this year. On the home front, I got my apple trees pruned Saturday and saved most of the trimmings to use as grafts. As soon as my root stock arrives and I can plant them I will do a post on grafting.

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