
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lily, Our German Shepard Dog

Meet the latest addition to our family. This is Lily, a registered German Shepard Dog, who is nine weeks old. We got her from a friend of ours, Lisa Slattery, owner of Dirt Road Kennel. She is a sharp little pup, already comes to her name and sits for her treats. The house cats are not as impressed as I am!
  On the maple syrup front, it is full speed ahead. It is rapidly approaching our best year ever. Even though the sugar content seems a little low the trees are producing sap at a tremendous rate. If by some chance the weather forecasters are right we should have at least another week of good syrup making weather. I have several hundred gallons of sap waiting right now and haven't collected yet today. Fire wood has become my big problem. I did not have nearly enough cooker wood lined up for this years run so I am making it on the go. The reason we are having such a good year is the weather of course. While I love it from a sugar making direction , UGGGG! I am sick of snow! Here is the view when I went out yesterday.
 It was only a few inches but that was a few inches on top of the foot to a foot and a half that is still there. It has rained several times too and with that and the snow that has melted, when you step through the snow it is as likely as not that there is six inches of water under it. I've pulled over a hundred taps because the water is too deep to move around in easily. These were all taps that are a long ways from the cabin and it was too hard to get them emptied every day. I still have close to two hundred in so I won't run out of work .
 Don't even ask about the green house. The cabin is over flowing with seed trays. I will have to keep them in here at least until they germinate. By then maybe I'll be done with cutting wood for the maple syrup cooker and I can start cutting for the green house heater.

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