Monday, November 26, 2012

Still Busy

Here is a pic of something a bit unusual, a triple yoke egg. We have a pullet that is just starting to lay and she gives us double yoke eggs all the time. This was a surprise as I have never seen a triple yoke egg before. The pullet is apparently into" less packaging".
 Holidays are great and I really enjoyed Thanksgiving but they sure do wreck your daily routine. Sunday we took our son Dane back to school, he was home for a few days. That used up most of  Sunday so today was catch up day. Back on the fire wood making detail, haul in some water, switch some batteries around etc.
 We had some brightly colored visitors at the feeder not long ago. These are Evening Grosbeaks. For some reason we don't get them at our feeder very often. There were a dozen or so here for a couple hours and that was it. I was hoping they would stay around for a while.
 We want to have the llamas and alpacas a little closer to home for the winter so we have a rush project now. We are building a large fenced area plus a "corral" area for them to spend the winter in.The rush part comes in because we have to get in all the posts before the ground freezes to deep. The frost is only a inch or so thick right now but that could change fast if it gets colder. We started cutting posts today and will start driving some in tomorrow. I thought things were going to slow down a bit but not yet I guess.

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