
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hand Hewn Beams

     This is a method that I use to make hand hewn beams. The first step is to brace the log in a way that will prevent any movement during the process. I use a combination of pipe clamps and sand bags to hold the log. Once you have the log held securely use a level as in the first picture to mark both ends at the point that will give you the flat area you want. Now mark a line from end to end on each side to connect the level marks. I used a chalk line which makes that very simple. You can see the blue chalk line in the second picture. Next make a saw cut down to the line every 3-5 inches. If there is a knot I make several cuts close together at the knot.                                                                        
I used a chain saw but you could use any type of saw. A adze is the tool being used in the third picture. Notice the way I am holding my foot. This is done to prevent the very,very,sharp adze from finding your ankle! Make sure you are wearing heavy soled shoes for this job. I am not sure how to do this project without a adze. I found mine at a antique shop and payed a few dollars. You can find new ones but they are of course more expensive. Anyway, once you have the saw cuts down to the chalk line start chipping of the wood down to the line. How carefully you do this will determine how flat and smooth your beam will be. A wood that splits easily will work best, one with wild grain will be more difficult. Once you have the top done you simply turn it over and do the same thing on the other side keeping the sides parallel. If  you need a square timber the sides are traditionally flattened with a broad ax. I only do that if I absolutely have to have it square. For many uses, such as floor joist,you may only need one flat side.

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