
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Llama Jail

 Here is a pic of Sandy, our guard llama. He is in llama jail until it warms up enough that we can shear him. He has figured out that he can simply walk under the electric fence by lifting it up with his neck. His thick coat prevents him from getting the shock that would convince him to stay on his side of the fence. He does not stray very far but there is always the danger he will get on the road. What really upped his sentence was his pruning job on my new apple trees. I have an eight foot tall fence around the orchard to keep out deer but that didn't keep him out and he munched on most of my new trees. He is a excellent guard llama having chased a bear out of our sheep pasture several years ago so he will get another chance. Well, another month or two and he will get a hair cut and a parole from llama jail. Mean while he is becoming good friends with a calf in the next pen over.

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