Friday, July 20, 2012

Harvest Time Begins

The big harvest crunch is beginning. Ann pulled this garlic a few days ago. Peas are all gone. I want to try a fall planting in a few weeks. We have started to pick green beans. We will have no shortage of them this year and will have lots to sell . Broccoli is starting to produce nicely. Kohlrabi are almost done, just a few left. Cucumbers are almost big enough to pick. I love cucumber, onion and tomato salad. Don't think I'll have a ripe tomato for a couple more weeks though. We have been selectively pulling an onion or two as needed now for a while. New red potatoes, yum. We just reach under and steal a few without disturbing the plant. They are actually getting quite large now but they still have that delicious new potato taste.Northern Wisconsin sweet corn is still a couple weeks away at least. Ours is tasseling now. The peppers in my high tunnel seem to like the extra heat and all have set lots of fruit as are the tomatoes. I will definitely be building more high tunnel for next year. The only draw back so far is that you have to be very attentive to watering.The higher heat causes the plants to get thirsty quickly. Well worth the extra work though.

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