Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wolf Track

I went for a walk yesterday and saw lots of animal tracks including these wolf tracks. The knife next to it is 3 1/2 inches long so you can gauge the size of it.We had several inches of snow on the ground and then light rain which made very soft mushy snow. That was Sunday and it got cold again that night preserving these tracks. There were all sorts of different tracks but it is hard to get clear pictures of them. I saw squirrel, snowshoe rabbit, partridge, weasel, fox, and deer tracks  plus the wolf tracks. There seems to be a lot of snowshoe rabbits this year.
They make lots of runs which they tend to move about on so they are very easy to snare if you are hungry for rabbit stew. Here is the track of a nice size whitetail deer. I wish this one had been around during deer hunting season! We have mostly chicken and pork in our freezer, a little venison would add some variety. I went for my walk to see if the swamp has frozen hard enough to allow me to bring in some of the firewood that is on the other side. It seems fairly solid except for the creek itself which has only very thin ice right now.
  I have about a half dozen little piles like this one I would like to get home. A lot of this wood is dry black ash. Black Ash makes a very nice fuel for the cook stove.These small pieces will make the quick, hot, fire you want to fry things on the cook stove. I have  mostly larger wood now so I have to do a lot of splitting to provide Ann with wood to cook with. Big pieces are great to maintain a even fire over night but you need small wood to fry your eggs!

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping that wolf (or those wolves) stay away from the critters! :-)
