Saturday, April 28, 2012

Asparagus Beds

Here are our asparagus beds all ready to go. We put   100 more crowns this year. Asparagus is another crop that will bear for many years if you take care of the beds. Grasses are the biggest problem and the hardest to keep out of the beds. We keep the beds heavily mulched which helps a lot. The next line of defense for organic producers is the ancient art of pulling the weeds!
We planted a new strawberry patch also,200 sets .We put in a early and a mid-season variety for a longer season. Next week we will put in some red potatoes, for harvesting as new potatoes, onions, and maybe some more peas. The peas we planted earlier are up so I will have to get pea fence up for them to climb on. I still have a good size area of the garden to rototill and I haven't even started on the sweet corn patch yet. Then we are making a new garden on another field ,which has sandy soil, for our tomatoes and peppers. We had a lot of problems with mildew last year and want the tomatoes well away from that area this year. The new area should have better air flow and be dryer both of which should eliminate the mildew problem.

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