Friday, April 13, 2012

Pigs V/S Rototiller

 Last summer we raised two hogs. We had them penned in an area we planned to use to expand our garden this year. They rooted up their pen fairly well but pigs are fastidious creatures and they will not root in the area they use as the bathroom. This left two areas in each of the pens that wasn't rooted up . I have been rototilling the first pen they were in this week for Ann's flax patch. It is worked up fairly uniformly except for the sod areas. That ole Troy horse tiller really bucks when it hits the sod. I finally got the whole patch worked up and we raked it off and seeded it today. We were going to hand broadcast the seed but it was so windy I don't think much of the seed would have ended up in the intended area. Ann had a great idea and we went with it, we used a yard size lime spreader to spread the seed. We then raked it in and used the three wheeler to compact the seed bed. It is supposed to rain this weekend so I'm glad we got it in. Next time I use hogs to root up a patch I will plow it instead of just going at it with the tiller.

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